Thursday, June 12, 2008


As a production staff at our church we went to see the new Narnia film (in DLP too!) at our local cinema. First off, it was great to be with folks I love doing life with outside our normal work environment.

I never saw the first Narnia film, my family owns it and my boys have watched it a number of times so I have seen little bits as I walk through the room. This film was great. How amazing that Disney and Walden media put something together that C.S.Lewis had written.

It just never ceases to amaze me how God can get his message of love communicated in fresh ways. This past week we had the privilege at Shoreline to host Pflugerville ISD's teacher rally. The featured speaker for this event was Dr. Daggett. He of course was speaking of education but the reality is that what he spoke about can certainly apply anywhere teaching is involved, which I guess is the definition of education. He said that we are teaching kids the same way today as we did 20, 30 and 40 years ago. Clearly we are in a different world today.

In the church today, are we still communicating the message of Christ the same way we did 20, 30 or 40 years ago? We are indeed living in a sight and sound generation but also what about involving the other senses as well. Is it possible to create an immersive environment, where when you step into the room, or even drive into the parking lot, you enter an environment that has been intentionally created for the message that is to be communicated.

How can we do this? Do you think we should?

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